
There are certain pre-requisites to ensure Bq Genie runs correctly on your local machine.

At a Minimum, JRE 1.8 with latest update should be installed and setup. It can be downloaded from the following location

Mobile Automation #

For testing Mobile apps, the following are required additionally:

iOS (MacOS)

  1. MacOS X machine
  2. Xcode installed – Please refer to the Version Support for Mobile Testing for details about supported versions.
  3. iOS simulator or iOS device
  4. iOS Developer Account either Free or Paid(recommended)

Android (Windows/Linux/MacOS X)

  1. Android Studio – Please download it from here and follow the instruction.
  2. Atleast one android sdk and avd

Bq’s mobile solution uses Appium behind the scenes. Bq can automatically install Appium for you at the time of Genie installation. For a list of compatible versions please refer to Version Support for Mobile Testing .

How to Setup Bq Genie for Mobile Testing has detailed instructions to setup Bq Genie for Mobile Testing.

SAP Automation #

Setting up Bq Genie for SAP Automation requires the following:

  1. SAP GUI installed and working on the client machine.

Please refer to Setup SAP GUI for BQ for troubleshooting any issues automating SAP.