How to export Execution Results?

Table of Contents

Bq has the capability to export reports in PDF and HTML formats. Both formats are a little different and are targeted to different audience.

PDF reports generated from Test Step tab (shown below) contains details for a single Test and contain step level details including screenshots. When generated from Test Case Tab, the PDF report contains a summary of all the the tests run with their status. It does not contain step level detail.

HTML report acts more like a dashboard and contains step level details for all the tests without the screenshot.

Instructions #

  1. Click on Execute on the left nav.

  2. Click on Execution History

  3. Select the execution from left pane
    Execution Run / Test Case Result will be displayed for that particular run
  4. Click on Export Pdf button (if you wish to generate a report with only the test case status – Pass / Fail)
    This is same as the Export Pdf button available on the Execution Results-bqurious screen

    The generated report will look like this :

  5. Click on Export HTML button
    The file will be exported as a .zip file. Extract the file and open it.

    The generated report will look like this :

    Please note that HMTL reports do not show screenshots.
  6. Click on the test case status for a specific test
    Test Step Results screen will be displayed.
  7. Click on Export Pdf button (if you wish to generate a detailed report of the test case)

    The generated report will look like this :

    To view the screenshots, click on View displayed besides the test step status.